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The Fusion Factory

The Fusion Factory is not only the workspace of David Pflugi, but it is also the space in which fusionism takes place. David believes in an open and transparent approach, and is known for having an open door policy for all manners of creativity.
David Pflugi's works, ranging from smaller objects to sculptures up to 8m in length, are exhibited here across more than 4000 m2 of floor space, comprised of various different areas.
The Fusion Factory also frequently serves as an event location, with enough space for up to 400 people.
Within the Fusion Factory, the observer will be able to experience various different areas on various planes. One of these special spaces within the factory is the “painting room”, here the specialty rests in the fact that the pieces are not finalized yet visible for all where the first notions of reliefs for his pieces are observed. Notwithstanding, many of the artist's works of art are visible as well, enabling a truly multifaceted and immersive experience into the world of fusionism by David Pflugi.
Open to visitors
every Saturday from 11 AM to 4 PM.
Entry: CHF 15.-
For visits outside of these opening hours, please contact us.